Meaning and Origin
What does the name Orange mean? Keep reading to find the user submitted meanings, dictionary definitions, and more.
User Submitted Origins
User Submitted Meanings
- A submission from Virginia, U.S. says the name Orange means "A round orange citrus fruit" and is of English origin.
- According to a user from Mississippi, U.S., the name Orange is of Arabic origin and means "A color".
- The fruit of a tree of the genus Citrus Citrus Aurantium). It is usually round, and consists of pulpy carpels, commonly ten in number, inclosed in a leathery rind, which is easily separable, and is reddish yellow when ripe.
- [Bot] The tree that bears oranges; the orange tree.
- The color of an orange; reddish yellow.
Note: ☞ There are numerous varieties of oranges; as, the bitter orange, which is supposed to be the original stock; the navel orange, which has the rudiment of a second orange imbedded in the top of the fruit; the blood orange, with a reddish juice; and the horned orange, in which the carpels are partly separated.
Etymology: F.; cf. It. arancia arancio, LL. arangia, Sp. naranjia, Pg. laranja; all fr. Ar. nāranj, Per. nāranj nārang; cf. Skr. nāranga orange tree. The o- in F. orange is due to confusion with or gold, L. aurum, because the orange resembles gold in color
- Orange color or pigment; any of a range of colors between red and yellow
- Round yellow to orange fruit of any of several citrus trees
- A river in South Africa that flows generally westward to the Atlantic Ocean
- Any citrus tree bearing oranges
- Any pigment producing the orange color
- Of the color between red and yellow; similar to the color of a ripe orange
From French Orange.
- A city in Provence, France.
- The Orange River (the longest river in South Africa)
- A city in New South Wales; named for William II of the Netherlands, Prince of Orange from 1815 to 1840.
- A city in California; named for the fruit.
- A city in New Jersey; named for William III of England, Prince of Orange from 1650 to 1702.
- A city, the county seat of Orange County, Texas.
- A town in Connecticut; named for William III of England.
- A town in Massachusetts; named for William III of England.
- A town, the county seat of Orange County, Virginia.
- A village in Cuyahoga County, Ohio.
- A town in New York.
- A town in Vermont.
- A town in Wisconsin.
- A town in New Hampshire; named for the orange ochre found in the area.
- An unincorporated community in Georgia, United States.
- An unincorporated community in Illinois.
- An unincorporated community in Indiana; named for its township, itself named for Orange County, North Carolina.
- An unincorporated community in Missouri.
- An unincorporated community in Coshocton County, Ohio.
- An unincorporated community in Delaware County, Ohio.
- Prince or Princess of Orange. Title of the first-born to the Dutch Royal House.
Orange was also found in the following language(s): French, German, Italian, and Luxembourgish