
Gray name meaning

Last Name
in the U.S.
in 2010

Meaning and Origin

What does the name Gray mean? Keep reading to find the user submitted meanings, dictionary definitions, and more.

Origin and Meaning of Gray

User Submitted Origins


User Submitted Meanings

  1. A user from Texas, U.S. says the name Gray means "Mysterious, powerful".
  2. According to a user from Alabama, U.S., the name Gray is of English origin and means "Mysterious & wise".
  3. According to a user from Canada, the name Gray is of American origin and means "Gray is a boy name of a Colour".
  4. A submission from the United States says the name Gray means "Superior".
  5. A user from Alaska, U.S. says the name Gray means "Compromise, stable, mature, calm".
names by meaning.

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International Interest
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Webster's Unabridged Dictionary
adjective Gray
  1. any color of neutral hue between white and black; white mixed with black, as the color of pepper and salt, or of ashes, or of hair whitened by age; sometimes, a dark mixed color; as, the soft gray eye of a dove."These gray and dun colors may be also produced by mixing whites and blacks." [Sir I. Newton.]
  2. Gray-haired; gray-headed; of a gray color; hoary.
  3. Old; mature; as, gray experience. Ames.
  4. gloomy; dismal.

Etymology: OE. gray, grey, AS. grǣg grēg; akin to D. graauw, OHG. grāo, G. grau, Dan. graa, Sw. grå, Icel. grār

noun Gray
  1. A gray color; any mixture of white and black; also, a neutral or whitish tint.
  2. An animal or thing of gray color, as a horse, a badger, or a kind of salmon."Woe worth the chase, woe worth the day. That coats thy life, my gallant gray." [Sir W. Scott.]
  3. [U. S. History] the Confederate army or a soldier in the confederate army; as, a battle between the blue and the gray .
noun Gray
the SI unit of absorbed dosage of ionizing radiation, equal to an absorbed energy of 1 joule per kilogram of irradiated material; -- abbreviated Gy. This unit is 100 times the commonly used unit, the rad.

Etymology: named after Louis Harold Gray, English radiobiologist

Other Dictionary Sources
  1. Horse of a light gray or whitish color
  2. Clothing that is a grey color
  3. A neutral achromatic color midway between white and black
  4. Any organization or party whose uniforms or badges are grey
  5. United States botanist who specialized in North American flora and who was an early supporter of Darwin's theories of evolution (1810-1888)
  6. American navigator who twice circumnavigated the globe and who discovered the Columbia River (1755-1806)
  7. English poet best known for his elegy written in a country churchyard (1716-1771)
  8. English radiobiologist in whose honor the gray (the SI unit of energy for the absorbed dose of radiation) was named (1905-1965)
  9. The SI unit of energy absorbed from ionizing radiation; equal to the absorption of one joule of radiation energy by one kilogram of matter; one gray equals 100 rad
  10. Turn grey
  11. Make grey
  12. Of an achromatic color of any lightness intermediate between the extremes of white and black ("gray flannel suit")
  13. Intermediate in character or position
  14. Used to signify the Confederate forces in the American Civil War (who wore grey uniforms)
  15. Showing characteristics of age, especially having grey or white hair
  1. A surname​; originally a nickname for someone with a gray beard or hair.
  2. A male given name.
  3. A city, the county seat of Jones County, Georgia, United States.

Notable Persons Named Gray

Notable Persons Named Gray

Gray Maynard

Gray was born on May 9th, 1979 in Phoenix, Arizona. Gray is also known as Lay Praynard.

Gray Davis

Gray Davis is a Governor of California, Lieutenant Governor of California, California State Controller, Chief of Staff to the Governor of California, and Chief of Staffto theGovernor of California. His military service ended in 1969. Gray was given the name Joseph Graham Davis, Jr. on December 26th, 1942 in The Bronx.


GRAY is a hip hop music musician. They were most active from 2012 to present. GRAY was given the name Lee Seong Hwa on December 8th, 1986.

Gray Gaulding

Gray was born on February 10th, 1998 in Colonial Heights, Virginia.

Gray Barker

Gray was born in 1925. He passed away in 1984.

Gray O'Brien

Gray O'Brien is an actor. His most notable accomplishments were from 1993 to present. Gray was born on August 11th, 1968 in Glasgow.


Notable Persons With the Last Name Gray

Notable Persons With the Last Name Gray

Lorna Gray

Lorna Gray is an actress. Her career lasted from 1937 to 1951. Lorna was given the name Virginia Pound on July 26th, 1917 in Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States.

Vivean Gray

Vivean Gray is an actress. Vivean was given the name Jean Vivra Gray. on July 20th, 1924 in Cleethorpes, Lincolnshire, England.

F. Gary Gray

F. Gary Gray is a film director, film producer, music video director, and actor. He was most active from 1989 to present. F. was given the name Felix Gary Gray on July 17th, 1969 in New York City. F. is also known as Gary Gray.

Macy Gray

Macy Gray is a contemporary r&b, soul music, and pop music musician. She has been prominent since 1988. Macy was given the name Natalie Renee McIntyre on September 6th, 1967 in Canton, Ohio.

Andre Gray

Andre Gray is a soccer player for the Burnley F.C., Wolverhampton Wanderers F.C., Shrewsbury Town F.C., A.F.C. Telford United, Hinckley United F.C., Luton Town F.C., Brentford F.C., and England national football C team. Andre was born on June 26th, 1991 in Wolverhampton, England.

Bryshere Y. Gray

Bryshere was given the name Bryshere Yashawn Gray on November 28th, 1993.

  • Paul Gray
  • Erin Gray
  • David Gray
  • Linda Gray
  • Billy Gray
  • Demarai Gray
    Soccer Player
  • Chad Gray
  • Jim Gray
    Computer Scientist
  • Effie Gray
  • James Gray
    Film Director
  • Elisha Gray
  • Andrew Gray
    Soccer Player
  • L. Patrick Gray
    Office Holder
  • Eileen Gray

Ethnicity Distribution

Ethnicity Gray U.S.
  White 68.68% 64.26%
  African American 25.13% 11.96%
  Asian, Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander 0.54% 4.85%
  American Indian and Alaska Native 0.91% 0.69%
  Two or More Ethnicities 2.33% 1.76%
  Hispanic or Latino 2.41% 16.26%

Of Last Name Gray

People with the last name Gray are most frequently White or African American

Entire United States

Fun Facts about the name Gray

  • What name lists does Gray rank for?
  • How Popular is the name Gray? Gray is the 4,036th most popular name of all time. As a last name Gray was the 87th most popular name in 2010.
  • How many people with the first name Gray have been born in the United States? From 1880 to 2019, the Social Security Administration has recorded 4,709 babies born with the first name Gray in the United States. That's more than enough people named Gray to occupy the territory of Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha (United Kingdom) with an estimated population of 4,000 (as of July 1, 2012).
  • What year were 5 or more babies first named Gray? The name was first given to 5 or more babies in the year 1885 when it was given as a first name to 5 new born babies.
  • When was Gray first recorded in the United States? The oldest recorded birth by the Social Security Administration for the first name Gray is Thursday, March 1st, 1877.
  • What year had the most people named Gray born? The highest recorded use of the first name Gray was in 2019 with a total of 155 babies.
  • Random Gray Factoid: According to the 1955 U.S. Social Security Administration data, the first name Gray is not a popular baby boy's name in North Carolina. Imagine that, only 5 babies in North Carolina have the same name in 1955.
  • Weird things about the name Gray: The name spelled backwards is Yarg. A random rearrangement of the letters in the name (anagram) will give Gray. How do you pronounce that?
  • How many people have the last name Gray? In 2010, the U.S. Census Bureau surveyed 246,116 people with the last name Gray.
  • How likely are you to meet someone with the last name of Gray? Gray was ranked as the 87th most popular last name but is still less than 0.1% of the population!
  • Gray name meaning

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