
Ayanna name meaning

Last Name
in the U.S.
in 2010

How to Pronounce Ayanna

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Meaning and Origin

What does the name Ayanna mean? Keep reading to find the user submitted meanings, dictionary definitions, and more.

Origin and Meaning of Ayanna

User Submitted Origins

African American

User Submitted Meanings

  1. 8 submissions from all over the world agree the name Ayanna means "Beautiful Flower" and is of African origin.
  2. According to a user from Virginia, U.S., the name Ayanna is of Swahili origin and means "'Beautiful Flower' in Kiswahili and is pronounced as aye-ahn'-nuh".
  3. According to a user from Virginia, U.S., the name Ayanna means "Beautiful African flower".
  4. A submission from Florida, U.S. says the name Ayanna means "Beautiful flowers of God" and is of Spanish origin.
  5. According to a user from the United Kingdom, the name Ayanna is of African origin and means "`beautiful flower` in Amharic (Ethiopian language). It was popularized by African-American civil rights activist Dick Gregory, after he named his daughter Ayanna in 1971".
  6. According to a user from Michigan, U.S., the name Ayanna is of African origin and means "Beautiful".
  7. According to a user from Nebraska, U.S., the name Ayanna means "It can be mean sometimes but has a kind heart".
  8. A submission from Virginia, U.S. says the name Ayanna means "Love" and is of African American origin.
  9. According to a user from Romania, the name Ayanna is of Japanese origin and means "Colored vegetable".
  10. A submission from Virginia, U.S. says the name Ayanna means "butterfly" and is of African origin.
names by meaning.

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International Interest
Also see international interest

  1. A female given name

Ayanna was also found in the following language(s): Cebuano

Notable Persons Named Ayanna

Notable Persons Named Ayanna


INOJ is a soul music, hip hop music, bass music, and dance-pop musician. She plays Vocals. She was most prominent from 1997 to present. INOJ was given the name Ayanna Porter on November 27th, 1976 in Madison, Wisconsin. INOJ is also known as Joni-Ayanna Portee and Joni-Ayanna Portee (songwriting credits).

Ayanna Pressley

Ayanna Pressley is an At-Large Councillor of the Boston City Council and At-Large Councillor of theBoston City Council. Ayanna was born on February 3rd, 1974 in Chicago.

Ayanna M. Howard

Ayanna M. Howard is a in the field of robotics. Ayanna was born on January 24th, 1972.

Ayanna Alexander

Ayanna was born on July 20th, 1982 in Trinidad and Tobago.

Ayanna Oliva

Ayanna Oliva is a hip hop music, pop music, soul music, and jazz singing, model (people), and vj (media personality). She has been prominent since 2005. Ayanna was born Ayanna Oliva on June 13th, 1986.

Ayanna Hutchinson

Ayanna was born on February 18th, 1978.


Notable Persons With the Last Name Ayanna

Notable Persons With the Last Name Ayanna

Charlotte Ayanna

Charlotte Ayanna is a beauty queen. She holds the title Miss Vermont Teen USA 1993, Miss Teen USA 1993, and Miss Vermont Teen USA. Charlotte was given the name Charlotte Lopez on September 25th, 1976 in San Juan, Puerto Rico.


Fun Facts about the name Ayanna

  • How Popular is the name Ayanna? Ayanna is the 2,027th most popular name of all time.
  • How many people with the first name Ayanna have been born in the United States? From 1880 to 2019, the Social Security Administration has recorded 15,132 babies born with the first name Ayanna in the United States. That's more than enough people named Ayanna to occupy the territory of Wallis and Futuna (France) with an estimated population of 13,000 (as of July 1, 2012).
  • What year were 5 or more babies first named Ayanna? The name was first given to 5 or more babies in the year 1971 when it was given as a first name to 194 new born babies.
  • When was Ayanna first recorded in the United States? The oldest recorded birth by the Social Security Administration for the first name Ayanna is Monday, March 31st, 1947.
  • What year had the most people named Ayanna born? The highest recorded use of the first name Ayanna was in 2003 with a total of 847 babies.
  • Random Ayanna Factoid: According to the 1998 U.S. Social Security Administration data, the first name Ayanna ranks 77th in popularity as a baby girl's name in District of Columbia. Imagine that, 13 babies in District of Columbia have the same name in 1998.
  • Weird things about the name Ayanna: The name spelled backwards is Annaya. A random rearrangement of the letters in the name (anagram) will give Naanay. How do you pronounce that?
  • Ayanna name meaning

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