Meaning and Origin
What does the name Shasta mean? Keep reading to find the user submitted meanings, dictionary definitions, and more.
Origin and Meaning of Shasta
User Submitted Origins
Indian (Sanskrit)
User Submitted Meanings
- A user from Canada says the name Shasta is of Bantu origin and means "Precious Water".
- According to a user from California, U.S., the name Shasta means "A teacher".
International Interest
Also see international interest
Webster's Unabridged Dictionary
noun Shas"ta
A mountain peak, etc., in California.
Other Dictionary Sources
- The Shastan language spoken by the Shasta
- A volcanic mountain peak in the Cascade Range in northern California (14,162 feet high)
- A member of the Indian people of northern California and southern Oregon
- An extinct Native American language, formerly spoken from northern California into southwestern Oregon.
- A brand of cola.
- A place name.
- A member of a Native American tribe of California.