
Pedro name meaning

First Name
in the U.S.
since 1880
Last Name
in the U.S.
in 2010

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Meaning and Origin

What does the name Pedro mean? Keep reading to find the user submitted meanings, dictionary definitions, and more.

Origin and Meaning of Pedro

User Submitted Origins


User Submitted Meanings

  1. 8 people from all over the world agree the name Pedro is of Spanish / Latin origin and means "Rock".
  2. 2 people from Brazil agree the name Pedro is of Latin / Yugoslavian origin and means "like a rock".
  3. A submission from Texas, U.S. says the name Pedro means "Peter" and is of Spanish origin.
  4. According to a user from Nigeria, the name Pedro means "Boulder".
  5. According to a user from Portugal, the name Pedro is of Aramaic origin and means "From the Aramaic Cephas, meaning stone".
  6. According to a user from Canada, the name Pedro is of English origin and means "No way".
names by meaning.

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International Interest
Also see international interest
Webster's Unabridged Dictionary
noun Pe"dro
The five of trumps in certain varieties of auction pitch.A variety of auction pitch in which the five of trumps counts five.

Etymology: From Sp. Pedro Peter, L. Petrus, Gr. Pe`tros


Spanish, given name, equivalent to Peter.

  1. An American trick-taking card game of the all fours family.
  2. The five of trumps in certain card games.

Pedro was also found in the following language(s): Cebuano, Finnish, Portuguese, and Spanish

Notable Persons Named Pedro

Notable Persons Named Pedro

Pedro II

Pedro II was royalty. His career lasted from 1831 to 1831. Pedro was born as the child of Pedro I of Brazil and Maria Leopoldina of Austria on December 2nd, 1825 in Paço de São Cristóvão. He passed away on December 5th, 1891.

Pedro Pascal

Pedro Pascal is an actor. He was most prominent from 1996 to present. Pedro was given the name Jose Pedro Balmaceda Pascal on April 2nd, 1975 in Santiago.

Pedro Almodóvar

Pedro Almodóvar is a filmmaking and filmmaker. He has been prominent since 1974. Pedro was given the name Pedro Almodóvar Caballero on September 25th, 1949 in Calzada de Calatrava.


Pedro is a soccer player for the Chelsea F.C., CD San Isidro, FC Barcelona, FC Barcelona C, FC Barcelona B, Spain national under-21 football team, and Spain national football team. Pedro was born on July 28th, 1987 in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain.

Pedro Pablo Kuczynski

Pedro Pablo Kuczynski is a Minister of Economy, Finance, Minister of Energy, Mines, Prime Minister of Peru, Ministry of Economy, Finance (Peru), Ministry of Energy, and Mines (Peru). He was most active from 2005 to 2006. Pedro was born on October 3rd, 1938 in Lima.

Pedro López

Pedro López is a criminal. Pedro is also known as The Monster of the Andes and The Monster of theAndes.

  • Pedro I of Brazil
  • Pedro Martínez
    Baseball Player
  • Pedro Álvares Cabral
    Fleet Commander for Portugal
  • Pedro Zamora
    Reality Television Personality
  • Pedro Morales
  • Pedro Lascuráin
    President of Mexico
  • Pedro Armendáriz
  • Pedro Obiang
    Soccer Player
  • Pedro Knight
  • Pedro Menéndez de Avilés
    Admiral; 16th-century Colonial Governor of La Florida and Cuba
  • Pedro de Alvarado
  • Pedro Sánchez
    Secretary-General of the Spanish Socialist Workers' Party
  • Pedro Álvarez
    Baseball Player
  • Pedro Calderón de la Barca

Notable Persons With the Last Name Pedro

Notable Persons With the Last Name Pedro


Pedro is a soccer player for the Chelsea F.C., CD San Isidro, FC Barcelona, FC Barcelona C, FC Barcelona B, Spain national under-21 football team, and Spain national football team. Pedro was born on July 28th, 1987 in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain.

Lucio San Pedro

Lucio San Pedro was a composer and teacher. Lucio was given the name Lucio D. San Pedro, Sr. on February 11th, 1913 in Angono, Rizal. Lucio is also known as LSP. He died on March 31st, 2002.

Prince Pedro

He holds the title Duke of Calabria. His career lasted from 5 to 2015. Prince was born as the child of Infante Carlos, Duke of Calabria, Princess Anne, and Duchess of Calabria on October 16th, 1968 in Madrid, Spain. Prince is also known as Pedro Juan Maria Alejo Saturnino y Todos los Santos.

Rui Pedro

Rui Pedro is a soccer player for the Associação Académica de Coimbra – O.A.F., FC Porto, C.F. Estrela da Amadora, Portimonense S.C., Gil Vicente F.C., Leixões S.C., CFR Cluj, Portugal national under-16 football team, Portugal national under-17 football team, and Portugal national under-18 fo. Rui was born on July 2nd, 1988 in Vila Nova de Gaia. Rui is also known as Rui Pedro.

Sharlene San Pedro

Sharlene San Pedro is an actress, vj, child actor, and vj (media personality). She has had major accomplishments since 2004. Sharlene was born on April 5th, 1999 in Pulilan, Bulacan, Philippines. Sharlene is also known as Shar.

João Pedro

João Pedro is a soccer player for the Cagliari Calcio, Clube Atlético Mineiro, U.S. Città di Palermo, Vitória S.C., Peñarol, Santos FC, G.D. Estoril Praia, and Brazil national under-17 football team. João was born on March 9th, 1992 in Ipatinga.


Ethnicity Distribution

Ethnicity Pedro U.S.
  White 35.40% 64.26%
  African American 5.32% 11.96%
  Asian, Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander 8.32% 4.85%
  American Indian and Alaska Native 5.26% 0.69%
  Two or More Ethnicities 3.56% 1.76%
  Hispanic or Latino 42.13% 16.26%

Of Last Name Pedro

People with the last name Pedro are most frequently White or Hispanic or Latino

Entire United States

Fun Facts about the name Pedro

  • What name lists does Pedro rank for?
  • How Popular is the name Pedro? Pedro is the 708th most popular name of all time. As a last name Pedro was the 5,246th most popular name in 2010.
  • How many people with the first name Pedro have been born in the United States? From 1880 to 2019, the Social Security Administration has recorded 90,107 babies born with the first name Pedro in the United States. That's more than enough people named Pedro to occupy the country of Antigua and Barbuda with an estimated population of 86,295 (as of May 27, 2011).
  • What year were 5 or more babies first named Pedro? The name was first given to 5 or more babies in the year 1880 when it was given as a first name to 31 new born babies.
  • When was Pedro first recorded in the United States? The oldest recorded birth by the Social Security Administration for the first name Pedro is Monday, September 28th, 1863.
  • What year had the most people named Pedro born? The highest recorded use of the first name Pedro was in 2000 with a total of 1,704 babies. That's a lot of babies named Pedro!
  • Random Pedro Factoid: According to the 1932 U.S. Social Security Administration data, the first name Pedro ranks 92nd in popularity as a baby boy's name in New Mexico. Imagine that, 15 babies in New Mexico have the same name in 1932.
  • Weird things about the name Pedro: The name spelled backwards is Ordep. A random rearrangement of the letters in the name (anagram) will give Repod. How do you pronounce that?
  • How many people have the last name Pedro? In 2010, the U.S. Census Bureau surveyed 6,649 people with the last name Pedro.
  • How likely are you to meet someone with the last name of Pedro? If you manage to meet 100,000 people in your life, chances are that 2 of them will have Pedro as their last name.
  • Pedro name meaning

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