Meaning and Origin
What does the name Areeba mean? Keep reading to find the user submitted meanings, dictionary definitions, and more.
Origin and Meaning of Areeba
User Submitted Origins
User Submitted Meanings
- According to a user from Pakistan, the name Areeba is of Arabic origin and means "Witty , smart , wise , intelligent".
- A user from Pakistan says the name Areeba is of Arabic origin and means "SMART, WISE AND INTELLIGENT".
- A user from Saudi Arabia says the name Areeba is of Islamic / Muslim origin and means "Wise/intelligent".
- 7 people from the United States and Pakistan agree the name Areeba is of Arabic origin and means "Wise".
- 3 people from all over the world agree the name Areeba is of Islamic / Muslim / Arabic origin and means "Intelligent".
- A user from Pakistan says the name Areeba means "Witty and smart".
- According to a user from Illinois, U.S., the name Areeba is of Islamic / Muslim origin and means "smart".
- A submission from Kentucky, U.S. says the name Areeba means "The flower of jannah / paridise, love" and is of Islamic / Muslim origin.
- According to a user from South Africa, the name Areeba means "Expert".
- According to a user from Pakistan, the name Areeba is of English origin and means "Light of paradise".
International Interest
Also see international interest