
Alley name meaning

Last Name
in the U.S.
in 2010

Meaning and Origin

What does the name Alley mean? Keep reading to find the user submitted meanings, dictionary definitions, and more.

Origin and Meaning of Alley

User Submitted Origins


User Submitted Meanings

  1. A user from Canada says the name Alley is of English origin and means "Nice".
  2. According to a user from Utah, U.S., the name Alley means "Goddess of the meadow".
names by meaning.

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International Interest
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Webster's Unabridged Dictionary
noun Al"ley
  1. A narrow passage; especially a walk or passage in a garden or park, bordered by rows of trees or bushes; a bordered way."I know each lane and every alley green." [Milton.]
  2. A narrow passage or way in a city, as distinct from a public street.
  3. A passageway between rows of pews in a church.
  4. [Persp] Any passage having the entrance represented as wider than the exit, so as to give the appearance of length.
  5. The space between two rows of compositors' stands in a printing office.

Etymology: OE. aley alley, OF. alée, F. allée, a going, passage, fr. OE. aler, F. aller, to go; of uncertain origin: cf. Prov. anar, It. andare, Sp. andar

noun Al"ley
A choice taw or marble.

Etymology: A contraction of alabaster, of which it was originally made

Other Dictionary Sources
  1. A narrow street with walls on both sides
  2. A lane down which a bowling ball is rolled toward pins

From Middle English aley, from Old French alee, feminine of alé, past participle of aler (“to go”) (French aller). Doublet of allée.

  1. A narrow street or passageway, especially one through the middle of a block giving access to the rear of lots or buildings.
    Synonyms: alleyway; see also Thesaurus:alley
    The parking lot to my friend's apartment building is in the .
  2. (baseball) The area between the outfielders.
    Synonym: gap
    He hit one deep into the .
  3. (bowling) An establishment where bowling is played.
    Synonym: bowling alley
  4. (bowling) An elongated wooden strip of floor along which a bowling ball is rolled.
    Synonym: lane
  5. (tennis) The extra area between the sidelines or tramlines on a tennis court that is used for doubles matches.
  6. A walk or passage in a garden or park, bordered by rows of trees or bushes.
  7. A passageway between rows of pews in a church.
  8. (perspective drawing) Any passage having the entrance represented as wider than the exit, so as to give the appearance of length.
  9. The space between two rows of compositors' stands in a printing office.

Diminutive of alabaster, from which they were once made.

  1. A glass marble or taw.

    Notable Persons Named Alley

    Notable Persons Named Alley

    Alley Mills

    Alley Mills is an actress. Her most notable accomplishments were from 1965 to present. Alley was born on May 9th, 1951 in Chicago, Illinois, U.S. Alley is also known as Allison Mills.

    Alley Baggett

    Alley Baggett is a model. Alley was born on July 14th, 1973 in Houston.

    Alley Ireland

    Alley was born on January 19th, 1871. He passed away in 1951.


    Notable Persons With the Last Name Alley

    Notable Persons With the Last Name Alley

    Kirstie Alley

    Kirstie Alley is an actress, comedian, and spokesmodel. She was most prominent from 1979 to present. Kirstie was given the name Kirstie Louise Alley on January 12th, 1951 in Wichita, Kansas, United States.

    James H. Alley Jr.

    His military service ended in 1945.

    Lindsey Alley

    Lindsey Alley is an actress/singer. She was most active from 1988 to present. Lindsey was given the name Lindsey Erin Alley on December 6th, 1977 in Lakeland, Florida.

    Richard Alley

    Richard was given the name Richard Blane Alley in 1957.

    Candice Alley

    Candice Alley is a pop music singing and songwriter. She plays Piano, Guitar, and Vocals. Her ongoing career started in 2003. Candice was given the name Candice Marie Giannarelli on June 23rd, 1982.

    Allen Alley

    Allen was born on August 3rd, 1954 in Kalamazoo, Michigan, United States.

    • Alphonse Amadou Alley
    • John Bassett Alley
      Member of the Massachusetts Constitutional Convention of Member of the Massachusetts Executive Council
    • William Alley
    • Tom Alley

    Ethnicity Distribution

    Ethnicity Alley U.S.
      White 92.30% 64.26%
      African American 2.63% 11.96%
      Asian, Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander 0.66% 4.85%
      American Indian and Alaska Native 0.67% 0.69%
      Two or More Ethnicities 1.80% 1.76%
      Hispanic or Latino 1.94% 16.26%

    Of Last Name Alley

    People with the last name Alley are most frequently White

    Entire United States

    Fun Facts about the name Alley

  1. How Popular is the name Alley? Alley is the 10,559th most popular name of all time. As a last name Alley was the 2,529th most popular name in 2010.
  2. How many people with the first name Alley have been born in the United States? From 1880 to 2019, the Social Security Administration has recorded 1,052 babies born with the first name Alley in the United States. That's more than enough people named Alley to occupy the territory of Niue (New Zealand) with an estimated population of 1,000 (as of July 1, 2012).
  3. What year were 5 or more babies first named Alley? The name was first given to 5 or more babies in the year 1914 when it was given as a first name to 7 new born babies.
  4. When was Alley first recorded in the United States? The oldest recorded birth by the Social Security Administration for the first name Alley is Sunday, May 1st, 1870.
  5. What year had the most people named Alley born? The highest recorded use of the first name Alley was in 2006 with a total of 66 babies.
  6. Random Alley Factoid: According to the 1997 U.S. Social Security Administration data, the first name Alley is not a popular baby girl's name in Texas. Imagine that, only 5 babies in Texas have the same name in 1997.
  7. Weird things about the name Alley: The name spelled backwards is Yella. A random rearrangement of the letters in the name (anagram) will give Lyael. How do you pronounce that?
  8. How many people have the last name Alley? In 2010, the U.S. Census Bureau surveyed 14,323 people with the last name Alley.
  9. How likely are you to meet someone with the last name of Alley? If you manage to meet 100,000 people in your life, chances are that 5 of them will have Alley as their last name.
  10. Alley name meaning

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